FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11remain in this condition. It was unfortunate. Another heavy burden for Atlas to bear. Hercules & Atlas lay down in the bed & tried to get their minds off their home decorating woes
10stole my money and bought a Snickers to tease me.Clearly,I had said my thoughts out loud.It happened exactly like in the ads, as soon as they took a bite, they became samurais.Oops
11all the synaptic connections in my(our) brain are perfectly parallel. Long elegant, straight, strands of neurons all flowing in the same way. My(our) brain can now understand
10"I'll take the Whiskey battered bourbon bangers and a side of Soho Chips, and for dessert I'll take the deep fried giant Snickers bars, oh, and
10Sing through a vacuum cleaner hose and play back backwards in a steel drum while passing steam through a radiator. Mix with bridge cable vibrations and whale flatulation sped up