FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13The city was rampant with ghosts and the homeless. Both lost souls, searching for something out of their grasp. Maybe that explained why they paid Jenny as a street performer.
13have you. In the future, we will ride personal dinosaurs, wear powder-blue jumpsuits and eat food in a tube. In the future, we will send a cow to the moon.
13"Did you remember to buy toilet paper?" Yes. Questions are statements and statements are questions. 1. I hate you! (Do you have front row tickets to the Bieber concert?). Your turn
10in Pittsburgh that is devoted to compiling every name ever thought of in all the world. Even the kooky ones. But none of these rang a bell to him. He had just about given up when
11. The baby was entirely sentient, and did not appreciate the humor. In fact, it never forgave it's namegiver, and plotted revenge. As an adult "Peter" named her children "