FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Emperor Snailien decreed. The sudden slowing of Earth's rotation sent many of the lighter Earthlings skyward, but it was a small price. Florists sent thank you messages via dial-up
11I was never very good at storytelling. Yet, beckoned once again by the ruling fungi, I put pencil to paper and
10Is this idea as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?
14GOL-DEN SHOWERS!!!, four calling cards, three freedom fries, two English muffins, and a broken down VW microbus in my parking lot. The carolers all looked expectantly at the closed
11At sunset the sunflower massacre stopped. James threw his rifle to the ground and walked through the devastated field of shredded stalks & decapitated flowers. Oh the humanity!