FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10and firmly remove it. Then it began to tickle him under the arch of his foot, his only ticklish spot. He decided, zombie or not, this was the women he'd been looking for.
12But the Chinese fellow, who had long hair & a sling pack, made weird hand motions and changed his stance. Next I knew I was on the ground. "Never take Cheetos from a Shaolin priest
10Potato. Heaps and heaps of potato in its many varieties. Pulverized! Fricassee! Fried! Smashed! Sliced. Potato. She set to work, and her guests barely noticed the chicken flavor.
10and really jumped off this time. It took a moment for Gene Rayburn to realize what had happened; by that time the poor man had fallen a few hundred feet down through the air below.
12Hector Berlioz, hubba-hubba--" Molly stopped him with a wave of her hand. "If you come up with one more alliteration, I'm reporting you to the police. He opened his mouth and