FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Resolved, I set out alone, hitching my way to San Jose with nothing but the clothes on my back & my Michael Kors purse. By the time I got to Wichita, I thought maybe I was wrong
13had drowned Mrs. Marmoset beneath his dam. "Damn," said Det. Elk, "if you're right, Beaver has killed 10 animals right under our snouts." "I'm right," Manatee replied, "and I know
14Count Dracula and at least 2/3 of the Cullen family would prevent me from ever committing a violent crime against anything with fangs and the ability to echolocate. Therefore,
13Lucielucie, the official slag of Folding Story, wasn't fussy about who she folded with. People who were confused about their writing style or just confused, found her easy virtue
11the folder. The story in this case is the author, the folder becomes the pen. There is no such thing as virtuosity, or at least there is no need for it anymore. Technology replaces