FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Do you think quiche & pastries can be made unleavened with rye? Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby! Just gave me a bad case of gout, and it hurts right about here! Nothing really
15by the spinning gold & the chanting words of SuperBuddy. "May the robbers present here regret their actions & alter their evils ways. May they instead find good jobs & peace beyond
10But his false French accent could not hide the simple fact, that no matter how hard he scrubbed, no matter how feverishly he polished, it was still just a bumpy turd.
11more willing to just go with the flow of the evening's developments so I let them finish up. By night's end my bumpers were sore, my flippers needed oil and one of my pinballs had
10of that whole Middle Earth fiasco. Plus there was the height disparity. At first the human-elf rivalry at the North Pole was the typical juvenile hijinks, but when Papa Elf took a