FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10he was furious at the depths of their gall. "YOU DARE USE ARCANA FROM THE WINTER CATALOG?!" The cosmic hell-beast was right: it was mid-June. Bamboozled again by the ATDO, they
10like Yoko Ono. He gnashes his teeth and urinates onto the gallery floor. The unperturbed attendees look on and can be expected to clap politely after the last drop falls. You
11I did a monstrous number of respectable things for a lot of bad people—or maybe I did a substantial number of terrible things for a lot of good people. I hate people. I love me.
10file of legal papers, pointing out that Uncle Bert was prohibited from approaching within five hundred yards of her. Goldilocks had had these drawn up when Uncle Bert last tried
11The Z-liner skimmed over the waves making a B-line for Havanna. After 20 min Mr.Cruke noticed they were deviating from the chartered course. With the suitcase cuffed to his wrist