FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11e nose very gently. Especially if you have a long schnoz. You don't want to poke an eye out! . 5) some like to wear a french nose tickler. Resist the urge. When erotically caressin
10At 4 am in the morning, the riot police marched up with their ballistic shields and pepper spray cannisters. The mob rushed the line. Walmart had only ten Tickle-Me Elmos.
11Undaunted, he took the $50 to the $1 store to buy a pack of white Tic Tac (to use as false teeth) but they only had fruit adventure. Then, the clerk said, “Can’t break a $50, Hon,
10"To one half-cup whiskey add three drams elderberry tincture. Stir widdershins by the light of a harvest moon. Pour over glacial snow in a cup carved by no man's hand."
10bring water to your wilted geraniums and may worms create a delicious compost." Judd found it harder and harder to write for Hallmark.