FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10brew is not for the faint-hearted. One whiff will make you faint. That explains why it, along with Romulan ale, was banned in numerous places beyond the Cardassian border.
10I watched as the bus drove away, not quite understanding why I didn't feel any pain. The wind blew a balloon from a child's hand as it passed, and a dog ran into the street
12in the lemon curd. They really were quite adorable. Suddenly, a horrid thought crossed my mind - what of all the other bubblegum Pop-Tarts senselessly slaughtered in the name of
10Since you read my fold, you are going to die. Now would be a good time to start think about what is next. Maybe chilling with Jesus or Satan. I don't recommend reincarnation,
10a monster turgid stoat that he laid on the table as payment. Nobody moved. Cruella was the first to recover. She said "Ol' Possum! Get that