FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11How could Spider woman have never heard of Rooibos? She apparently hadn't been to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's lately. She preferred coffee, black with no sugar. Hobgoblin was
11Blue man the new superhero. However people called me a Smurf so I was sad.
12Sure enough, three weeks later, the prince climbed up my pit braids instead of Rapunzel's locks. A volunteer at Locks of Love later wed Rapunzel, so we both won. I won more though.
12container of macaroni salad on Salazar’s infected bedsores; Salazar, roused from a fevered sleep, hurled expletives at her, snatched a shotgun from under the mattress and shot.
12I will say the very meaning of life. I will discuss the very reason why we are here, and what we're doing and why we're doing it. I will put all this responsibility on the next guy