FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11" they moaned ironicly. "Good one." I repled unenthusiastically. "Rude!" said the Mrs, Zombie as they shuffled away. I loooked up and shouted at them, "Hey! Your STENCH is rude!"
11Once stirred can never be shaken. It creates a bond. Thames Bond Guaranty, Limtd, was the firm of record." Nobody ever quoted Douche correctly. They just wanted to say they did.
10started to flicker and then I saw blood running down the inside of the screen. It ran through the wire to the computer. The disc drive sprang opened & blood gushed over my cubicle
10and firmly remove it. Then it began to tickle him under the arch of his foot, his only ticklish spot. He decided, zombie or not, this was the women he'd been looking for.
11at sea in his clam shaped paddle pool. Elliot read the fish their last rites and pressed play on his ghetto blaster. Van Halen's "Jump" pumped out of his stereo and a tear ran down