FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15ee yonder over at that thar RV parked next to it. That's ware he be." The rusty door of the RV opened & the Wizard stepped out, carrying a shotgun. "What yuns want?" Dorothy
12Henry, Emma, Liam, Larry, Olivia, Simon, Lola, Isabel, Mary, Will, Hillary, Isaac, Terry. My office, now.
10people need to stay the hell away! The FS frathouse is the partyingest at U and we don't need no stinking, pretentious, educated jerks messing up our reputation." My rant complete,
37[Ominous brass] [Clashing, discordant cymbals]
10Unfortunately the oil disguised the natural scent of her mate. She identified him as a foe & shot off a couple of arms which fatally pierced his mantle. He died in a puddle of ink.