FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Soon after, I bought myself an electric skateboard, took a cross-country trip to Utah, and married three women...all named Crystal. Then I started drinking heavily.
12slightly mauled me. I must have lay there on the side of the road for a while, unconscious.When I came to, the spare rib was still in my hand & Porky Pig stood above me, glaring.
11The demonolgist's day job was painting lines in parking lots. This went well until the winter solstice
10hear Pete--that's what I called him: Mr. Pete the parakeet--whistling and swearing. . .God, I miss him. . .but he was in a better place: Tippy:s Taco House under 6 inches of gravel
11the cantina by an overzealous elderly Jedi. He then makes his way to the nearest back alley doctor in the streets of Mos Eisley to receive medical treatment and vows to avenge his