FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
22to the Department of Balloon Animals which had been a big hit with the citizenry. The protesters marched on the capitol, demanding the colorful rubbery animals that they deserved.
10Blank stares. Finally someone said "Is that that new one on Bravo?" Disgusted, the cooking instructor said "No, nevermind, look, just mix the scalded milk mixture into the eggs and
10his face as he mournfully threw their tiny fishy bodies into the paddle pool. One of them attempted to say "Not dead yet!", but sadly, fish cannot talk. Elliot fell to his knees
10is and I, frankly speaking, reveled in it. There is nothing more heady that the scent of sweaty unwashed bodies moving in unison to Pink Floyd,who were stockholders in Hemp Panties
10people need to stay the hell away! The FS frathouse is the partyingest at U and we don't need no stinking, pretentious, educated jerks messing up our reputation." My rant complete,