FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
20he split his pants down the inseam in third grade in front of the entire class, showing the group what "he spied," along with his backend (true story). So, the attention-grabber
12feet that were stained on the bottom with the toil of her grape stomping ancestors. Their laughter made them feel young and Shall kissed him on the ear and whispered that
10kieferskunk was a principled folder and didn't write things-that-were-unfoldable. He didn't reveal who cut the cheese, but instead, graciously steered fold in another direction by
16shopping in the nude while singing Barry Manilow's greatest hits. 8) Ask a nun if she wants to experience Heaven on Earth. 9) Wear a thong for a day. 10) crank call a
10d wherein one folder switches the protagonist's sex, either by mistake or intentionally. Sometimes you get a foreign fold, daring fellow folders to translate or add blind. Another