FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I'd like for you to cover for me because I have a hot date tonight. " The PACU nurse handed me a clipboard and a stethescope. I was a clown. A Patient. Now I'm on duty? Jesus.
10sent turd-sniffing police dogs into my back seat to make sure that it really was a turd. One of them ate it by mistake, thus destroying the evidence. At least my cab was clean.
11At all costs, I'm just trying to avoid eye contact. I can handle the repugnant smell and deal with the abhorrent facial sores. But if that guy next to me on the bus starts to
13I pulled up some dandelions. She'll like these, she likes flowers. Maybe if turned my shirt inside out it won't smell so bad. I was ready to make amends.
10Quick! Close your eyes! DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! You're gonna be REAL SORRY if you do!!! Ohhhhhhhh...too late. So sorry. I'll notify your family immediately.