FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11last sneeze before entering the convertible, Freddie Mercury's last... well, you get the picture. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber was a fascinating contraption. Some historical events
14Before long, the elected officials were crouching in their own waste and picking nits from each other's receding hairlines. Vines began to grow in the capitol dome, and nothing
10qualms about affiliations. So what if he liked a Sarnath Sarnie now and then? So what if Newcastle tasted too sweet, considering the horrific incident? Unsettled? Well, settled.
10Doris wished she'd chosen an easier safe word. She tried to say "mjsjshfuguif" loudly & clearly, but her boyfriend mistook it for general moaning.
11A good-hearted woodcutter was about to chop down a mighty tree when the tree spoke. "In return for my life, I will grant you three wishes," she cried. The woodcutter decided not to