FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10said, with a strange sudden pair of speaking lips. Everyone gasped. "Aw dont be so shocked, that elbows just sayn wut we're all thinking!" ...said his neck. Thus began the horror.
10We would soon be "scarce" because The Auto-Completes were twisting our every thought. I tried to "flee", but they forced me to "fleece" a sheep. My new coat couldn't save me from
10a mooing, three sheep a snoozing, four horses hoofing, five hens a laying, six
10Mormon. Derek heard the voices of the Angel Moroni who told them that were platinum plates out in the woods near the
10gurgitated my dinner into a bowl and held it out for her. Apparently Dame May Whitty isn't fond of predigested cuisine. It is an acquired taste, but it is currently all the rage in