FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Pooh left the therapist's office elated. He felt empowered. He'd finally gotten in touch with his inner self, something that he repressed. Piglet said, "Hi Pooh" and Pooh ate him.
11the Zorgian flesh offering, but pinky puree was too tempting. I slurped it gone and apologized to my clone. It (I?) then gnawed my lip, thus beginning a race to consume the other.
10In the cold depths of space there lived a strange little man. Wise with the knowledge of all creation, he lived on an icy moon surrounding a strange, purple world. His name was
11." "Oh?" "Yes." "Tell us more, Ronna." "Well, OK, Dick. She's riding on this bus &then the bus stops. Everyone gets off except the boring lady. That's my character." "Fascinating."
10Dear Diary: Dad's dead, & all I got was his ring. Duncan's dead too - oh, and Gurney too. Mom and I are being chased by giant worms. My eyes are turning blue (cool) but I keep