FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12of the other customers moved quietly out the door as the cashier's eyes began to cast an other-worldy glow. A snap was heard, followed by a lightening bolt and the rude customer
10she like cat fights. A spray of fairydust caused Wendy to sneeze, dropping the foot of the table on her toe. Tink shot into her dresser through the keyhole & poked holes in Wendy's
10"I'll take the Whiskey battered bourbon bangers and a side of Soho Chips, and for dessert I'll take the deep fried giant Snickers bars, oh, and
12Do not continue this FoldingStory. By it's completion, it will leave you in a cold sweat, awake until the early hours, staring into the darkness. This thread ends here. Goodnight.
11when you consider he was a mute. He reported his fake youtube news using only hand gestures and body language. the interpretive dance that informed everyone of the monster invasion