FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10centuries later, having birthed an estimated 12% of the global population. This strange corpse-human heritage is the cause of the brutal and ongoing zombie wars on earth.
10to dream a dream? Does this dragon track have to have a destination?" JMan ignored the wise Det & reached down to pick up a dragon scale covered in glinting runes. "To Norway!" gru
11but Jarrod's timestick stopped functioning. He took the timestick's cap off. He twisted the knob at the bottom and more timestick appeared. He rubbed it in his arm pit.
11But he didn't and night fall found him back at his corner again flaunting his candy for the sugar daddies. He caught an occasional bored Socialite but it was mostly their husbands.
10They would just have to downsize their plans for the Deathstar. "We will crush the rebellion with the Heartburn Lightbulb!" He laughed diabolically. "Yes, M'lord", said Vader, but