FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
36his air valve was covered in lipstick. At last she rose and left her beloved inner tube to lie peacefully. And she promised herself she would never tire again.
14I quit. I studied the 'best' stories. Can't discern a pattern. Someone makes a list & loses their plunger? Woopdeedoo. A girl gets a papercut? Big deal. Your about to get sk0njed!
10get deep fried in the turkey fryer. Scrooge yelled, "Nooooo!" The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past then pointed with it's neck at a gravestone that said, "
11"For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight..." It made his blood boil. He grabbed the Beatles singing Parrot and put Sqwuakers's head in a vice. He slowly tightened
12Fantastic, Familial, Forensic. G is for Glabrous, Gelatinous, Gershwinesque. H is for