FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
17My puppet master yanked my strings to and fro. One moment he or she, I think I prefer a she, has plopped me on the divan watching hours and hours of Antique Roadshow and the next I
14GOL-DEN SHOWERS!!!, four calling cards, three freedom fries, two English muffins, and a broken down VW microbus in my parking lot. The carolers all looked expectantly at the closed
11All stories are love stories.
12Re-educated in grammar by the Grammar Police, just in time to pass the college entrance exam. She ranked #5 in het class.
10Came sailing over her head. “Batter up!” Uncle Wilfred shouted as he prepared to send another Jane’s way. “This was going to be a long, long, visit” she thought “If only I had my