FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Who, me? I'm the guy that runs this joint. I tell ya. Tenants always complaining. During the Ice Age, they asked me to turn up the heat. Now its 'global warming.' What gives?"
12choosing to make floor-length curtains that would later be converted into playsuits for the children. As the minions danced and sang their way through life, the Queen couldn't help
10Rupert played on, his instrument feebly gasping out each note in the endless stream. The crowd had thinned somewhat, perhaps due to the fact that nobody likes accordion music, but
10with the mojo. Plus, my back was killing me. Most of the squidmen in my family either had back problems or high ink counts. I had both. But I could still party days on end. I wante
10your naming address, social securities number, and just forty American dollars and we will assuredly award you your seventy million dollars prize with large quickness. I await your