FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11tion. Unfortunately, his wifi connection stopped in mid-transmission. The result was a Play Doh Clone Golem without a chest. The thing glared up at his master. "Oops."
10marveled at its beauty. In the end, it was a well-crafted craft, and it sailed, silent but deadly, to its intended target. No one else saw it coming. But that is another story.
12Devious, Demonic, Deadly. E is for Evil. Envious, Egotistical, Evil. F is for
10Wikid, the surgeon, peering eagerly into the hollow of my bowels. Dr. Wikid stretched my navel & released, sending a pinball careening around a lung to bounce off the heart & into
13The shrincken humbie squalled and caterpunked festily. Fagan glomped inwardly & offed his festerbound handy. Thoroughly tanked, Morose teedled & blowdied Fagan's trestlt until