FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
102 was to blame, with their incessant electric rhythm guitar thing and then the nail polish fumes made her feel floaty, she got the paint all over her wedding dress. But what if she
10The sky was on fire. Not in a beautiful, metaphorical, take a picture with your phone sense. In a ohmygodeverythingsgoingtodie sense. I pushed my way into the cave, screaming for
13Any questions? [Pause] Because if you have any questions, turn them into statements, and put them in the next fold. This will reveal something about your brain.
15The optometrist says "Meh, you wont' see it." The oncologist says "Meh, you won't live." The talking prune says "I could do with a drink." Silence. Total and complete silence.
10My Little Pony across the yard. The neighborhood meat pies stood there feeling uncomfortable. "You don't want pies to play 'cuz you're just a snooty patooty!" her sister yelled.