FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10They trotted to the back of the building. "Same with this one," concluded Mort, after a bout of shoving against the portal failed to budge it. "Alright, bring out the RPG-7!"
11The air of desperation was palpable. Within seconds I was surrounded by the undead denizens of the morgue and within minutes my datebook was filled with engagements until next May.
10Lighting the blow torch, he aimed it at the nest. Fwoomp! The moths caught on fire, and I watched as the burnt bodies littered the ground with ash. "That'll teach them," he said.
10disapprove of her son Billy's cushion collection, or worse, want to claim it (especially the frilly ones). His mother had an array of suitors, like Billy had an array of pillows.
17the Mulled Wine decline: almonds and raisin prices were sky-high all over, but especially at the Western Oceans Beach Front, but the Land Sharks didn’t care: they hated glogg.