FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Any questions? [Pause] Because if you have any questions, turn them into statements, and put them in the next fold. This will reveal something about your brain.
10er 180 characters. Neither nudity, the blood dripping from my eye, nor common sense would stop me, and I finished my fold in less than 4 minutes. Then I pushed my life alert button
14time went all slow-mo and Dame May Whitty caught me as I fell. "Never mind about shaken or stirred, dear," she advised before humming a tune into my ear. She vanished as I re
11Plus, with Uncle Lenny's colostomy bag right there next to me, I could deposit any other collected meal detritus directly into there, thus saving the typical hassles affiliated
12the broadway revival of My Fair Lady, a re-imagining where society is filled with illiterate hunchbacks who try to bring Eliza Doolittle down to their level. He quickly auditioned.