FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10She made me out of fear and sin/with shadow without and fire within/Mom filled me with dark euphoria/And set me deep in Moria/
13Russia smile onto his Chile stare? "Canada ila Lama get some Serbice? DidJa pan fry the Turkey?" He's Hungary, I'm Ghana Cuba cheese wheel for him. Peruse that Syriaous cookbook
10You don't want to have to deal with a fish who has had the wrong organs detached. It is not pleasant. A leading surgeon recently had his face eaten off by one of them. They're that
12heavy with feeling. "Ummm... I walked here tbh," I replied. So we set off together to my remote cabin, a 7 mile hike over rough ground. He started wheezing as my grocery cart skitt
11time trying to polish out the boulder damage, which also smoothed over the nice scourge-n-gravel antiquing he and Hercules had applied. Atlas's bedside table would just have to