FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14Blackbeard's lost treasure & lie naked together amongst the pearls, knowing our love is even more luminous. 17.) Braid necklaces from lock's of each other's hair. 18.) Climb
11"Did we..." "Yes," she said. "How was I?" he asked. She handed him her pleasure map. "You missed all the X's, but it was good for me, 'Long John'." His ex was into pirate role play
12reached down and held the gold rose in the palm of his hand, the train hit him full force at 160 Kilometers per hour...and there was silence...and time took hold of him and sent
10It made him feel purdy. He spackled on flesh-colored foundation to cover the scars and stitch marks. Now what to do about the blue tongue and nails?
12n assignment that would take her on an overseas jaunt leading to the peripheries of other continents, not so much deeply into their interiors but more than just a few miles in?