FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11the festival crowd. Everybody recognized it as the opening strum of the hot song of 2019 by their local boy. Kenny of Kenny & the Parkas. Anyone who drank the free grape-ade peaked
11I approach the temptress from behind. I must not! but her undraped shoulder pulls me. My finger taps lightly. Debbie McRoberts turns. "Do you want to dance?" I stammer. (No!)
10"Sarah, Totally Not a Zombie, Meets Jacob (Also Not a Zombie)." A perfect name for what was sure to be the perfect story of the path into womanhood. As he got to writing, though,
13had never met his match at Chinese Checkers. There at the last, he'd sit outside Elmer's Bait Shop, his prosthetics removed and placed on the table with the board, waiting for any
10So let us now, with a kiss and a twerk / Get down to our most cellular work / Overpopulation is a bore / But what the heck, let's make one more.