FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Dracula took the night shift at the furniture store. He needed a little money so that he could get HBO.
10my larynx was impaled by a pitchfork, so it came out, "Ngggghh, ngggsshh!" Of course, they couldn't stop me. Gory gobs of blood-n-stuff dribbled down my shirt. The hillbillies
10"All hail Queen Whirlpool!" raved the shaman "She consecrated to Chief!" In bedroom, Chief Wala excitedly entered the oven. Nada. He toyed with dials & fell asleep inside. He woke
10As we approached the summit, the aurora shone brilliantly above us, reminding us all of just how tiny and pathetic we are in the vastness of space and time. We were truly humbled.
12Awakening to the noise of water dripping from the leaking stone ceiling, I observed my present environment. The throbbing pain of a bruise upon my temple disoriented my judgement,