FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10My husband caught me out from under the bed once ,almost five years ago, ergo my four year old son. I can't let that happen again
10map out lines around his body as a guide to where his shorts should go. "Infamy!" yelled Ouchy, "you said you'd left Clowns Without Borders forever!" "Mwahaha!" cackled Bonzo, "my
12we can get to the church on time. That's right. It was Sunday--fried egg day and dress up day all rolled into one. The mess would have to
10...and action! Mark worried about motivation as he crunched down on an earwig waving his squeegie at the hobo, who rose from the shallow end blowing water from a snorkel. Cut!
12knew the truth. Edward Cullen was shell of vampire. His sparkly skin and day time frolics only signaled his total lack of commitment to true vampirism.