FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Or this one? "Eleanor Rigby picks up the folds in the church where a wedding has been, lives in a dream, waits at her computer, folding the folds that she keeps in a jar by the doo
11There is one thing I know for sure about myself: I don't know how to write a college essay. I can ride a horse while standing up and juggling, I can paint a better painting than
10finance advisors. If you thought you were screwed last time you had a finance advisor because he was an ex-used car salesman then think about the bananas. They have the worst of
10know a time you ever turned down an assignment," he pleaded, yanking the typewriter out of her hands. "Jazzabel, our reputation will tank if you leave! Don't make me beg."