FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"I don't normally give rides to strangers" Zelda rasped, "but I'll make an exception in your case, being pantless n all." "To El Paso and step on it," he shouted, "I need anti-cact
10change colors to communicate like I can!" I, middle-aged Squidman shot my 8th tentacle out, caught the banana fish and brought him toward my shiny, evil, soul crushing beak.
11Montezuma's Revenge (as soon as it's cleared up) by smiting every Jedi chef in the galaxy. Instead, he thanks his gods for Intergallactic Pepto Bismol and falls asleep on the sofa.
10roscope, Dr. Destructo tapped on his shoulder. "Mike," he said with a sympathetic sigh, "disco is long dead. And you're in the lab..." The realization that it was no longer 1977
10then the Magic Squirrel of Random Wood tossed three Acorns of Witchery on the ground. They rattled and rollicked until curling golden sprouts came out and dug into the earth.