FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Tharg fletched his teeth & gnawed on a pterodactyl bone seductively then conked Loana on the head with his club & dragged her to his cave. Zorg had advised Tharg that the G-spot
14America's legal justice system. Nobody cared about laws and regulations anymore. They didn't have time. In the town's broken, ravaged streets, it was only a game of survival.
10Give me garlic bread. I like garlic bread.
15Doreene shuffled dern ta yeller brick bowleevard and came up on a scardeecrow right dumber'n a box of hammers. Farther on, tey met a tin man who needed his heart transplanted.
13in horror, their rotting lips curled upwards in disgust. The fetid stench emanating from my armpits repelled all of the rancid, decaying zombies until I was standing alone in the