FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Fat Boy Skinny and I met at the Sunset Grill…back when the Imperial Highway was still a dream…where a man with a washboard, spoon and harmonica could tell tales from times gone by.
13could anyone explain all those wiggly coastlines, with their bays and coves and inlets? Must've been some brave drunkards who set out to map the world when the local shops were shu
10Alone, old man Suzuki lived a quiet, rural life in a decrepit hut near Kyoto, the ancient city where his dreams had been crushed, his fortune seized, and his only son kidnapped.
11Well now that is something you don't see everyday!" My clone glared and said,"How about you take a picture, it will last longer!" The snakes then took a picture and left.
12container of macaroni salad on Salazar’s infected bedsores; Salazar, roused from a fevered sleep, hurled expletives at her, snatched a shotgun from under the mattress and shot.