FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10, for example, that I thought a lot about the teachings of Confucious. I didn't even know that this was what lima beans think about until I started thinking like a lima bean. I als
12Henry, Emma, Liam, Larry, Olivia, Simon, Lola, Isabel, Mary, Will, Hillary, Isaac, Terry. My office, now.
11last sneeze before entering the convertible, Freddie Mercury's last... well, you get the picture. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber was a fascinating contraption. Some historical events
11but I'll keep trying different flavors of seduction until her resolve melts in my mouth. I've already banged all the pots & pans so it's time to settle down with Casoletta to make
14-tally, but were certainly the focus of my body odor, which seemed to also serve as my body armor. As the zombies approached, I bore my armpits at them, and they shrank away