FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11$10.56. What can I say? I'm good at negotiating. I'd practically memorized "The Art of the Deal". I was admiring myself in the rear-view mirror when I smelled the backseat.
10I will eat Cornish hens instead,my cats sitting next to me at the dinner table. They don't need forks and knives. Less cleanup on my part.
10Wait a minute. That's not vanilla icing. Rachel had been at my donuts again; I could tell. "Rachel, I found your cold cream!" I yelled upstairs. Mrs. Huxtable sauntered into the
10what a son of a peach she is, you're plum tuckered out before raisin any good points. Orange you? Of course you are. So kum, quat does it really matter in the end?
10Another reason that people might stop writing on FS is that if they follow me, I then bombard them with unwanted writing advice and try to sell them my poetry (which is a bargain