FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12ate cards that Darth had saved up from upgrading the Emperor's IT system were all used up and the Empire's credit rating plummeted to one star. Darth took off his helmet and said
10the game was over, we put our balls away and exchanged false phone numbers. That was the last I saw of my hermaphrodite lover, until seven years later, in Paris. S/he was at a cafe
10atrical as they were. Rupert's innovative music was really out there, you know? Like WAY out there...out on a limb, out there...which is exactly where Leif liked to be.
10does itself if you let it. Fold 4: Involves imaginary numbers and must never be attempted on Samhain because of the risk of it being interpreted as a conjuring of an angry Liberace
12Was she worthy of tasting the noodles, however? There they lay, so perfectly in the china bowl, glistening with butter. She bent her head to fathom the aroma. All of the sudden,