FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I had barely survived a Toxoplasma Gonzii infection, only to have bookworms infect my brain. I danced recklessly over cars during rush hour, lured by paper dust and deckled edges,
10It wasn't until midway through the job that I realized I had no idea how to disable a camera. The bundle of C-4 in Ronna's perm was ready to go, but I was busy frantically
10One night, my dad found a large nest of moths. Instead of using the vacuum cleaner, he got out a blow torch. "You moths like light?" he said. "You'll get some."
10That was it. I could see by the teacher's face it was over. "Well, see you around," I said sadly. "There you go again," she chided. I set my sights on the volleyball coach instead.
11I told that idiot I didn't want him walking my dog anymore. I'm tired of waking up and thinking