FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13an added bonus in this bumper car ride of chance encounters we call life. Take the author who started this story, 49Faithful. Suppose when he was 9 yrs old, his father took him to
11Nut sculpture of the Battle of 1812. His only accomplishment in life, a blue ribbon at the 4H fair of 1972 was now in the fat paunch of that grey squirrel sagging into the sofa
10. This was a thriving metropolis until the Hippo Stampede of '01. You could still see bite marks in an abandoned Pontiac Aztec, where the rebellion had begun. A hippo was gipped on
13Stop that. Reverse it. Twelve typos tended, eleven emus emailed, ten typists twerking, nine nuns nagged, eight ears elbowed, seven speeches slurred, six sloths surrendering, five
10wanted to get in on Gay Halloween to meet hot chicks. Dalai Guru had to be inventive to find women ever since the unspiritual unthinkable happened.