FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11remain in this condition. It was unfortunate. Another heavy burden for Atlas to bear. Hercules & Atlas lay down in the bed & tried to get their minds off their home decorating woes
13Me in there ! The rats told me, "Join the club!" and stared at me, until I too became Rattus Norvegicus. Now we went as a group and the party really started at 2 that morning.
18find myself strapped to her back as she bungee jumps from a helicopter over the Caspian Sea. My puppet eyes watch in horror as the helicopter seems to become tiny, then larger, as
15the grate-n-powerfool Gizzard. 'Pears to me dat you could use some hep, too." So the sceerdy lion joined in wid the rest & ambled on down da yeller brick road. When dey came to
10Stolen bottle of Valium that you were looking for. Remember? That was when the riots happened and you were told not to report it. Mr. Gigabyte himself made that decision." The