FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Why isn't anyone adding to my briliantl fold? It's just rolling off the front page & everyone's ignoring it!". It really chapped his ass. Busted his spleen. Made his blood boil.
10for lack of trying, that's for sure.This story's taken so long to finish cuz I write a couple sentences, then I get distracted by Song Pop,, Macy's one day sales,
10do your best to write a fold that continues the previous storyline, while still taking the plot to an unexpected place. Like Bang Beach, Vietnam. An added bonus is if you can fold
14This Christmas, I asked myself a very important question: "Has anything about me changed? Why do I still hate the world? And where's the turkey?" But this time, it'll be different.
11Montezuma's Revenge (as soon as it's cleared up) by smiting every Jedi chef in the galaxy. Instead, he thanks his gods for Intergallactic Pepto Bismol and falls asleep on the sofa.