FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12be safe. It's always best to be safe than sorry. Peter snatched the juicyfruit-flavored condoms from my hand & stormed off. Ungrateful bastard. I don't know why I even try. Next,
13in 9 months which, incidentally, was the time it took for his baby to arrive. "I shall name you Peter" He said, patting the baby on the head who resultantly burst into tears.
11"That I'm rich! Uh, I mean... nothing." Doc recorded me repeating all my dreams, and excused himself. I overheard him call a smut publishing firm. Big sums were bandied about. Hey!
12Henry, Emma, Liam, Larry, Olivia, Simon, Lola, Isabel, Mary, Will, Hillary, Isaac, Terry. My office, now.
10avoid the grabber's clutches. So when the Circus came to town, the children all ran out of their houses to their parents' dismay, and they had no idea the grabber