FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12wealth to PETA!" Scrooge stood up in bed. The Butterball apparition had evaporated. He flew open the windows. "What day is it boy?" "Why, it's Thanksgiving!" "You know of the goose
11limerich was a doozey. George said, "There Once was a tourist from Tacoma..." a crowd gathered, everyone loved a good Limerick Battle
10one small lizard boy remained: Leif. Fun fact: few lizardfolk like accordion music but Lief was not like most iguanaboys. Leif made Rupert play 6 encores. Afterwards, Leif clawed
12Every year on Halloween Eve you can hear the hobgoblins haunting the butcher section of most grocery stores. "Give us back our bellies," they moan. It's not a good day to buy meat.
11..but instead of speeding through cowboy country and ultimately careening into a canyon, Frank, Bob, and I took a turn north into Canada and encountered a wily Canuck.