FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"To one half-cup whiskey add three drams elderberry tincture. Stir widdershins by the light of a harvest moon. Pour over glacial snow in a cup carved by no man's hand."
10Diarrhea Planet was now the 10th planet in our solar system. School teachers were baffled at this new scientific development and scientists' odd choice of name. The planet, made of
11l thief! I picked the crimson facet off the oven's basting pan. Was it the stolen Carmen Lúcia? I held it to the light to examined it with my loupe & whistled. Then Aunt Gracy ente
10found out Elizabeth Taylor pegged it: "The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues."
12Grasping them he said, "Pooh's only wear cuddly pants." Exasperated Christopher said. "They're lederhosen. Now put them on before someone comes!" Pooh fumbled with the suspenders