FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13had never met his match at Chinese Checkers. There at the last, he'd sit outside Elmer's Bait Shop, his prosthetics removed and placed on the table with the board, waiting for any
19Nonplussed. I could stand up to the scrutiny. I had nothing to hide & I knew it. Still it never hurt to really know what you are up too and I took it as a sign of personal growth.
10night kiss from Sheila before we go to sleep. She just switches the light off without a sound and sleeps facing away from me." Then I added " sometimes in the middle of the night s
14had forgot to make payments, and so his Imperial Star Destroyer was repo'd. Due to funding cuts, Storm Troopers were forced to wear white turtlenecks and carry air-rifles. The reb
10t and it seemed like a constructive enterprise to wander, off-their-heads, along the coastline laughing and making marks and lines on what they would later call a map. "Not worth f