FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11he writing, and then pass it to the next player for a further contribution. Surrealism disciple Endo Morales developed a new surrealist technique: internet text frottage, in which
11tripping in them because once I crossed a road gnawing an undercooked spare rib slathered in mayo & didn't see a pothole. I fell, a wasp stung me, a dog licked my ear and a bear
17She brought sad news about the Land Sharks. They had finally retreated, completely, to the Western Oceans and the beach front lifestyle. The price of glogg was expected to follow
10Much better than that last failed attempt. This one was structured, ordered. No more chaos, no more random junk. Happily, he turned to the old one, and said "let there be dark!"
12I ran from the room screaming, "Beware the Scare Bears!" Later I dreamt that Mr Cuddles clawed out of the toybox with help from his best-fiends Hateful Heart and Bratty Thug Bear.