FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Jarrod Quatermain examined the tatters fluttering on the ruins. "The old ones still remember. The young ones still hope." No, not good, he thought, and logged it in his timestick.
10Finally get out of bed to go lay on the couch & dump wine on stack of ungraded papers. Give pupils 0 pts for not handing in assignment. Check reddit. Elon Musk drove circles around
11on our feet which of course is the last thing you should do when dancing, (the next to the last thing is to forget to do the head snap thingy when turning) so naturally I tripped
20"There will be no more balloon animal zoos or circuses. They deserve to be free!" And so all the balloon animals were shipped to a special preserve where they were
20Because I could only believe myself as far as I could throw me I decided to hire a private investigator to tail me and see who I met with when I was busy doing other things. I was